M24 meeting is organised for PLATRUS partners on the 30th and 31st Oct 2018 by Technische Universität Wien in Vienna, Austria
AGENDA and discussion points can be seen below:
Welcome | Amal, Katharina |
Agenda of the meeting | Amal |
Selected process – Reminder | Amal |
WP2 – Material delivery summary | MONOLITHOS |
WP3 Leaching – VITO process (40 mins – detail explanation of the process and 20 mins – discussion) | VITO |
Break | |
WP4 Separation – KUL process (40 mins – detail explanation of the process and 20 mins – discussion) | KUL |
WP5 Recovery – VITO process (30 mins – detail explanation of the process and 15 mins – discussion) | VITO |
Lunch | |
WP7 Process selection/LCA (40 mins – detail explanation of the process selection and 20 mins – discussion) | ENV |
WP3 Leaching – TECNALIA process updates (updates from M18 to M24) | TECNALIA |
Break, group picture | |
WP3 Leaching and WP4 Separation – VUT process updates (updates from M18 to M24) | VUT |
WP4 Separation – VITO process (updates from M18 to M24) | VITO |
End of the day | |
City walk and Dinner |